Demanding the Tamil Nadu government to withdraw the imposition of English medium of instruction in government run schools, about 1000 Tamil activists attempted to lay siege St. George Fort on August 7,2013.The protesters were detained by police when they rallied towards the Fort from Manroe Statue to submit their demand petition to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.The protest rally was flagged - off by Kunnangudi Haneefa from Tamil Nadu Manithaneya Makkal Katchi and led by Tamil Nationalist Communist Party leader - P Maniyarasan.
The protesters urged the Tamil Nadu government to drop off the proposed English medium of instruction in government schools and to enact a law to make Tamil language as one of compulsory language subject in both government and private schools up to class XII. English or other language should be taught from Class VI. The other demands includes the upgradation of school infrastructure, special reservation in higher education and employment for the students educated in Tamil medium of instruction. Tamil scholars also demanded the state government to curb the practice of teaching 10th Class subjects in 9th Class and 12th Class subjects in 11th Class in private run schools.
Thamizhaga Vaalvurimai Katchi founder Velmurugan , MDMK Deputy General Secretary Mallai Sathya, Dravidar Viduthalai Kazhagam General Secretary Viduthalai Rajendran , Thanthai Periyar Dravidar Kazhagam General Secretary K. Ramakrishnan , Tamil National Liberation Movement leader Thiyagu, Marxist-Periyarist Communist Party leader V.Anaimuthu , Professor Prabha Kalvimani,Activist Gana.Kurinji, Thozhilalar Seeramaippu Iyakkam leader Sekar, Tamil Nadu Makkal Katchi spokesperson Arun Shorie, Save Tamils Movement Co-ordinator Senthil , May 17 Movement Co-ordinator Thirumurugan Gandhi , Tamil scholars , advocates and other Tamil activists were participated in the protest.
The detained activists were later released in the evening. The struggle committee led by P Maniyarasan submitted the demand letter to personal secretary of the Chief Minister in the Secretariat.